cast art glass

your particular glass casting needs are... we look forward to delivering
you exactly what you want.
lot�s of casting type works are
commissioned, designed and
delivered for architects and
interior designers.
can have fabulous architectural cast glass including large sections with thick,
deeply carved slabs for partial or solid walls, doors, windows, furniture, and
free standing sculptures all made to order. this molten glass is poured into
one-of-a-kind sand or resin molds in order to form solid glass elements up to
nine square feet and one to sixteen inches in thickness. this glass is
very different from the sandblasted plate, slumped plate, stained panels, or
graphite-cast glass that is generally available unless of course, you want that
as well.
pure clean clear glass as one
alternative or using resin and
catalyst mixed into sand to form
a mold of sandstone-like
consistency is yet another.
these materials force our teams
to work quickly using extreme
heat with hand tools, air
grinders with diamond bits, or
electric roto-tools. we work
very freely and directly with
none of the restrictions imposed
by making positives or
multi-part molds. undercuts
present no problem while we cast
several intricate finely
detailed pieces, or very large
works with the same inspired
detail and then again, sometimes
even some that seem to have no
creativity at all.
keeping your
interests and needs in mind while making your project, your project.
